Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I am an Alpha Female

I am an Alpha Female
I am Type-A, intense, serious, in some people's estimations a slightly neurotic work-a-holic -- whatever you call it. I am trying to tone down the intensity for 2009, but honestly, I can only see it increasing when I graduate from college. I know how to chill and relax and have fun, but that time is not when I have an assignment due the next day and you want to argue with me on the phone all night about something silly. I have things to do. And I don't mind bringing my computer, sitting next to you on the couch and doing my work while you watch TV or do whatever you have to do. However, don't expect me to give you 100% attention when I am writing an article that is due in three hours. I told you that I had work to do and the fact that you decided to come over anyway doesn't change the fact that I have work to do. Honestly. {Writing this is reminding me why I am single, lol}.

I don't like Beta males either. I like nice, Alpha males. I like men who know what they want in life and will go after it. I like men who are confident and secure in themselves and I want a man I can rely on. Some women like Beta males, I have learned in 2008, that I am not one of those women.

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