Monday, December 15, 2008

If You Want A Monarchy, Move to England

Caroline Kennedy for Senate?


According to the New York Times, "Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of an American political dynasty, has decided to pursue the United States Senate seat being vacated by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York."

Again, Caroline Kennedy for Senate? On what merits?

Ohhhhh. She's JFK's daughter and Robert J. Kennedy's (who previously held the seat) niece. Therefore she is clearly the rightful heir of the seat.

Hold on, there is no such thing as "rightful heir" when it comes to politics in the United States of America. Excuse me while I check and make sure I'm in the right country.

I like what I know of Caroline Kennedy. Her support of Barack Obama helped immensely during the primary season. I also have the utmost respect for her family.

But, in an election year that taught young boys and girls that you can grow up to be whomever you want regardless of your last name, should the governor of New York then turn and appoint someone to a coveted seat solely because of her last name? I smell a hypocrite.

Just as I didn't think the fact that Hillary is a "Clinton" made her entitled to the presidency, I don't think the fact that Caroline is a "Kennedy" entitles her to the Senate seat.

I can't believe this is even an issue.

If you want a monarchy, move to England!

I do believe that a Democrat should keep the seat because the people of New York elected a Democrat (Hillary Clinton). I don't necessarily believe that the successor has to be a woman. There are plenty of women in the Senate anyway and I don't think Clinton was elected because she is a woman.

Some have said that Caroline should be appointed to keep the Kennedy legacy alive. That's one of the most ridiculous things I've heard all year. I understand that members of the Kennedy family were very important people, died brutal and/or unfortunate deaths and the country owes some of it's current success (in race relations and etc) to the family, but come on.

This is 2008. If Caroline Kennedy wants to run for Senate in a few years then sobeit. But she should absolutely not break ranks and be appointed.

The United States Senate doesn't need a princess -- they need a Senator.

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